EZSRN Format

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EZSRN Format

Format Name: EZSRN

File Name: EZSRN.zip

Software: EQuIS SPM

Source: SPM install

Export(s): No export


Description: The EZSRN format is a simplified version of the SRN format that allows users to easily submit information received from labs pertaining to Sample Receipt Notifications (SRNs).


Installation Instructions: This format requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database.

For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary.


Overview: The SDG_Samples section is used by the lab to report which samples (SYS_SAMPLE_CODE) they have received, and to which Sample Delivery Group (SDG_NAME) they belong. The SRN_Issues section provides a way for the lab to report issues found with the samples received. The SRN_Invoices section assumes the chain of custody and sample data already exists in the database.


Additional information including descriptions of each field, data types, method mappings, and definitions can be found in the EDD Description. The EDD Description file can be created in EDP (EQuIS Data Processor).



SRN_Issues.issue_code is a lookup to RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_CODE that filters general issues from specific issues depending on if RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_TYPE is "srn_issue" or "srn_issue_sample". When the LOOKUP_TYPE is "srn_issue_sample" then SRN_Issues.method_analyte_group, spm_analysis, analytic_method, sys_sample_code, and chain_of_custody become required fields.

SRN_Invoices section requires DT_CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY to already be populated with columns CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY, PO_NUMBER, and LAB_CODE. These must match the values in the SRN_Invoices columns of the same name.