Professional (7.20.3)

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Professional (7.20.3)






Add CAS_RN Level to DQM Holding Time Check [d601]

The DQM Holding Time check has been modified to allow CAS_RN specific holding time limits. A CAS_RN column has been added to the RT_HOLDING_TIME table. The logic used by DQM to match a result to the holding time limit has been updated to the following:

Values from RT_HOLDING_TIME are found by searching for the following matches:

    • If this column is NULL then the Holding Time limits are applied to all results that match the first two criteria above.
    • If this column is populated, then the Holding Time limits only apply to results with matching CAS_RN in DT_RESULT.CAS_RN.





Improved Performance for Loading User Reports and XML Selections [d621]

Saved User Report and XML selections were slow to load with the Report Parameter Selector. This has been fixed.





New Standard Report: Ionic Balance [d630]

The by-request "Ionic Charge Balance Report" is available in the EQuIS Standard Report Library.





Loading Blocked DLLs Gives Incorrect '32 bit' Error Message [d633]

Loading a blocked DLL in Professional gave the incorrect 32bit error message. This is now fixed to indicate that the DLL is blocked.





Report Parameter Selector - Required Parameter Selection and Scrolling Performance [d652]

An issue with required parameters and the Report Parameter Selector was causing required parameters not to be selected when clicking the parameter value in the treeview. The required parameters font color would also change when selected. The Report Parameter Selector treeview had an issue causing slow performance and artifacting while scrolling. These issues have been fixed.





Schema - DT_TEST - New Column: preservative_date [d657]

Added column [preservative_date] to table [dt_test] for specifying the date that preservative was added in the field, lab or if using pre-preserved bottleware, date the sample was taken.





DQM Starter QAPP - Include the asso_acid_base_yn parameter [d682]

The asso_acid_base_yn parameter which enables the separate association of acid and base surrogates for the Surrogate Recovery check was inadvertently left out of the DQM Starter QAPP EDD in the Professional Installation DQM format folder. This parameter has been reentered into that EDD.





DQM - Add Two New Options to Required Detection Limit Check [d721]

Two new parameters have been added to the Required Detection Limit Check:

  • non_adjusted_only: allows users to select: 

    • Y -- to only apply the check to results with a dilution factor=1.
    • N -- to apply the check to all results regardless of dilution factor. 
  • non_detect_only: 

    • Y -- to only apply the check to results with detect_flag = N.
    • N -- to apply the check to all results regardless of the value in the detect_flag column. 





SampleClassForm - Fails, Remove from Pro Installer [d746]

The Sample Class Form is no longer supported and has been removed from the standard install for EQuIS Professional.





Schema - Product Implementation of DQM Schema Updates [d832]

For added DQM functionality, the following schema updates were done:
In the standard Professional Schema [schema.xml/e]:
Table [rt_holding_time] added columns [collect_preserve], [preserve_prep], [preserve_analysis], and [preservative] - last column has a Foreign Key to [rt_preservative].
In the DQM Schema [schema.DQM.xml/e]:
Table [rt_dqm_control_limits] added columns [field_rsd], [lcs_rsd], and [ms_rsd]: 
  "field" meaning field samples
  "lcs" meaning laboratory control samples recoveries
  "ms" meaning matrix spike samples recoveries
  "rsd" meaning relative standard deviation
Table [rt_dqm_qapp] added column [parent_qapp_code] allowing for parent/child association of QAPPs - which has a Foreign key to the [qapp_code] in the same table (self-join).





MAG_SUM Advanced Action Level Unit [d833]

A bug related to the MAG sum calculations in Action Level Exceedance II and Analytical Results II was causing the wrong report_result_unit to be displayed in Action Level Exceedance II and the wrong value to be used for report_result_value in Analytical Results II for the MAG sum row. This occurred when the report results for a SYS_SAMPLE_CODE contained multiple report_result_units before running the MAG Sum calculation. This has been fixed.
We recommend this report, if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





MAG_SUM ALEII Exceedances Not Flagged [d834]

A bug in the MAG sum calculation for Action Level Exceedance II was causing the DETECT_FLAG column to not populate if "Flag Non-Detect" = 'No'. This has been fixed. We recommend this report, if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





MAG_SUM - Error Running ALEII with Action Level Containing 2 MAG_SUM AALs [d836]

A bug selecting an action level containing two or more MAG sum advanced action levels was causing the Action Level Exceedance II Report to throw an error. This has been fixed.





MAG_SUM ARII Transformation - Incorrect Results with Mixed Units [d837]

A bug in the standard MAG_SUM transformation for the Analytical Results II Report was causing the MAG_SUM row to be converted to the wrong units in some cases when there were multiple units in the report_result_unit column of the report output. This has been fixed. We recommend this report, if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Report Parameters - Tree View Fails when Report is Closed and Reopened [d846]

An issue causing report parameter lists in tree view to not load when a report was removed from the workspace and reopened, has been fixed.





Fix DT_LITHOLOGY.END_DEPTH on Lithology Chart Tool of Syncfusion Version [d860]

Modified the calculation of soil layer depth of a location from start_depth(i) - start_depth(i-1) to end_depth(i) - start_depth(i) in the Lithology tool since END_DEPTH is added into DT_LITHOLOGY table in EQuIS Standard Schema for v7.20.2. 

Improved handling of gaps and overlapping data issues: "Unknown" layer is displayed to reflect gaps, and informative messages warn user of invalid data scenario.





Require Strongly Named Assemblies [d865]

EQuIS Professional will enforce strong naming of assemblies. Any assemblies used in Professional must be strongly named and approved. Assemblies can be approved by adding a new row in ST_CONFIG.
  • CONFIG_SECTION = "AssemblyTokens"
  • CONFIG_KEY = "Token"
  • OBJECT_TYPE = "PublicKey"
  • OBJECT_VALUE = "<Public Key Token>"
Custom reports, if already published to your project database(s), can be republished following these instructions once they have been recompiled with strong-named assemblies:





Syncfusion XY Charts - Context Menu Changes After Saving the Template [d866]

Fixed the inconsistent right-click menus, when users right-click to show a quick menu after saving a chart template in XY Chart.





Schema - Remove DT_BUILDING from EQuIS Vapor Intrusion Schema [d869]

Table [:DT_BUILDING] will no longer be created with the Vapor Intrusion Schema (schema.Vapor.xml/e); it will not be removed if added previously to the database.





Schema Updates - Improve Performance by Temporarily Disabling Triggers on Live Tables [d918]

The Live Schema updates were adjusted for VER_DATE 25-Mar-2020 such that the table modifications to DT_LOGGER_DATUM and DT_LOGGER_DEPUM occur after trigger(s) on those tables have been disabled. This improves performance of the update process, and the triggers are re-enabled as soon as the updates to the tables are completed.