Live Neptune Cluster Agent

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Live Neptune Cluster Agent

Report Name: EQuIS Live: Neptune Cluster Agent (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Live.Reports.dll


Description: The EQuIS Live: Neptune Cluster Agent report allows users to retrieve data from the Triple Point Solutions Neptune Cluster web API in EQuIS Professional and Enterprise.





Loading Data


This report will automatically add the loggers (with LIVE_DATA_SOURCE = 'EarthSoft.Live.Reports.NeptuneClusterAgent'), series, and datum when it runs. A series can then be activated or deactivated, by setting its STATUS_FLAG = 'A' or 'R', to start or stop (respectively) obtaining data for it. Also, the SERIES_UNIT and SERIES_DESC for a series may be changed, but not its SERIES_NAME; it uniquely identifies the series using the tag and aggregators (e.g., HEBG001LIQ01.F_CV 1 hours avg).


This report can be run manually or as a scheduled EQuIS Information Agent (EIA), at the desired frequency, to automatically load data as often as needed.


Report Parameters

Base URI

Uniform Resource Identifier of Neptune Cluster web API (e.g., https://[host]:[port]).

Web token

Web token used for authentication (it is included in every web API request).

Date Range


Start Date

Enter the desired start date (defaults to 7 days ago, midnight, UTC).

OR Start Date = series' most recent date-time?

The start date is each series' most recent date-time (in DT_LOGGER_DATUM.DATUM_UTC_DT) (defaults to the Start Date, e.g., 7 days ago, midnight, UTC, if a series has no datum).

End Date

Enter the desired end date (defaults to tomorrow, midnight, UTC).

Aggregators (JSON)

An ordered array of aggregators that are processed in the order specified. The output of an aggregator is passed to the input of the next until all have been processed.

Default: [{"name": "avg", "sampling": {"value": 1, "unit": "hours"}}]

Name can be one of the following: avg, dev, count, gaps, least_squares, max, min, sum, diff.

Sampling unit can be one of the following: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

Tags (regex)

Only get data for the tags that match this regex (defaults to .* which gets data for all tags).

Logger code (regex)

Get the LOGGER_CODE from the tag using these regex capturing groups.

Example: ^(?'a'[^.]*\.[^0-9]*[0-9]*)

Tag = 'Water/iFix/WDSCADA.HEBG001LIQ01.F_CV'


Series name (regex)

Get the SERIES_NAME from the tag using these regex capturing groups.

Example: ^[^.]*\.(?'a'.*)

Tag = 'Water/iFix/WDSCADA.HEBG001LIQ01.F_CV'

SERIES_NAME = 'HEBG001LIQ01.F_CV' (+ aggregators, e.g., '1 hours avg')

Update existing values?

Check this box to update existing database values if they are different from what the web API's reporting.