Overview of EQuIS Collect

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Overview of EQuIS Collect

EQuIS Collect is a field module in the EQuIS workflow and integrates with multiple other EQuIS applications. Collect is comprised of two components: (1) EQuIS Collect Enterprise, which uses Enterprise dashboards to manage projects and field crews, build and publish Collect Form Templates, monitor and review field data collection progress, and generate reports; and (2) EQuIS Collect Mobile, which is used to collect data electronically in the field on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices. The two Collect components communicate directly and facilitate direct integration of data into the EQuIS workflow. Collect Forms are populated with field data in the Collect Mobile app and uploaded to EQuIS with the Enterprise EQuIS Data Processor (EDP), enforcing data rules and ensuring data integrity. Collect Enterprise dashboards provide tools to manage and track the status of any field activity in real time.




Collect introduces the concept of Form Templates and Data Forms (forms). A template is a collection of pre-defined forms that contains fields with various attributes, rules, logic, and possibly pre-populated with data. A template is like an Excel workbook with several forms (sheets) within. For example, a Groundwater template might have the following forms: Water Level, Groundwater Sampling, COC, and Well Inspection. A variety of templates are available from EarthSoft and can be customized to meet specific user needs. Data mapping is also performed in the template if the data are going into an EQuIS database. A template can map data to any EQuIS format. Only one EQuIS format can be used with a template. A data form is a populated form created from a template. The data forms must adhere to all rules and logic set in the template.


Collect Enterprise and Collect Mobile (Step 4) Workflows

